Lauren Steensma


Lauren specialises in international development and conservation, with three years of professional experience. At Terranomics, she provides research, analysis, and administrative support across our portfolio of projects. Lauren has supported the development of blended private-public finance projects and has helped conservation organisations access finance for nature-based solutions. Her work has involved projects in Latin America, Southeast Asia, Africa, the UK, and the US.

Prior to Terranomics, Lauren worked with the WWF-US Environmental and Social Safeguards team to implement safeguards into WWF-GEF and WWF-GCF Agency projects.

Lauren has an MA from the University of St Andrews in Sustainable Development and International Relations and an MSc in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics. She wrote her graduate dissertation on the risks and opportunities for forestry projects in low- and middle-income countries with a focus on community engagement.

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